1 Short Title and Commencement - The Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014
2 Definitions - The Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014
3 Terms and Conditions of Acceptance of Deposits by Companies
4 Form and Particulars of Advertisements or Circulars
5 Manner and Extent of Deposit Insurance
6 Creation of Security
7 Appointment of Trustee for Depositors
8 Duties of Trustees
9 Meeting of Depositors
10 Form of Application for Deposits
11 Power to Nominate
12 Furnishing of Deposit Receipts to Depositors
13 Maintenance of Liquid Assets and Creation of Deposit Repayment Reserve Account
14 Registers of Deposits
15 General Provisions Regarding Premature Repayment of Deposits
16 Return of Deposits to be Filed With the Registrar
16A Disclosures in the Financial Statement
17 Penal Rate of Interest
18 Power of Central Government to Decide Certain Questions
19 Applicability of Sections 73 and 74 to Eligible Companies
20 Statement Regarding Deposits Existing as on the Date of commencement of the Act
21 Punishment for Contravention